I shall start when I heeded the sms' advice and took 8 stops on bus 403, although the sms said 6 stops but I read it wrongly. Even then, it made no difference, for 8 stops was closer to my destination than the 6 stops. I alighted and was surrounded by many houses on the hilltop. Where could the chalet be? Shouldn't it be a 30 metre walk from the bus stop? (at least that was what the message said)
As I started contacting many of my classmates to get directions to the chalet, none of them picked up my call. Finally, when I managed to get through with emman, I was so excited, but it turned out to be a recorded voice. Oh great, all of them must be still at wild wild wet. What should I do now...
Last resort, tzy. With his mother's help and based on my past experience and memories, I found the chalet just next to the year 2 campsite we went to earlier this year. Why didn't anyone just say that in the first place. It had been some 600 metres walk from that bus stop to that chalet, and when I reached the place, I saw a bus stop just outside. Which stop was it? The 11th stop. 11-6 = 5. Inaccuracy of 5 stops...
Alright, now that I have finally found the place after half an hour of probing into different alleys, I went into the building itself. The moment I saw it I went "wow". Doors wide open, electricity on, everything. Messed up tables and shoes and bags lying here and there. Count myself really lucky, or I would have stayed outside for the next 3 hours, or alternatively I could just go home.
There was absolutely nothing to do in there, so I stoned on the couch and tried to fall asleep. It was useless, and sleeping in the deafening silence was creepy...and boring. I slouched on the couch and watched a boring chinese show for an hour. Afterwhich, I walked around and looked out of the window. Nick and Yanni were there, walking. I sighed to myself, "Finally got some company!" I rushed down and it turned out they could not find the place either.
We went up, and watched Hulk. It was quite a movie with action and all but completely lacked a storyline, and considering I never watched the prequels, that made it worse. That was all for the day, and we three just left the chalet after the movie ended. There, at the bus stop, we met the rest of the chalet-goers who just returned from wild wild wet.
We waited at the bus stop, but that bus stop only had 403. So, I decided to find the bus stop that held both 358 and 403, since sms told me that it was just 8 stops from the interchange to take 358 too. Apparently, I forgot totally the only bus that plies through pasir ris park and the northwestern hills of pasir ris is 403. So while Nick and Yanni were waiting at a bus stop, I went to look for that non-existent one I had in my mind.
Running on the hills could not be said to be too easy. After I found a bus stop furthur down the road, I assumed it to be the right one. Then, I did not know where I was.
To be safe, I ran back to the same bus stop uphill, when 403 just arrived. It turned out that two things went wrong:
1) Nick and Yanni were waiting and the wrong side of the road for the bus, but it did not really matter because the bus made a loop.
2) I ran in a circle.
I shall illustrate my second point.
The Orange arrow shows where we were suppose to head towards.
The Green line shows the route 403 takes.
The Green arrow shows where Nick, Yanni and I headed for at first.
The Blue arrow shows where I headed for while trying to be smart.
And when I tried watching out for the 358 bus stops along the way home, I noticed that the 2nd and 3rd stops(red circle) were nearer to the chalet than the 8th stop(black circle) which was mentioned in the sms.
By taking 358, I would still have to walk at least 1km additional of slopes. Fortunately I did not take that bus.
All these just proves to myself one point, to be self reliant when possible especially when I live in pasir ris, having a headstart in knowing the place, yet I chose to rely blindly on an sms, and wasted myself so much time for this chalet, searching...
complaining about the sms...
Okay I should stop complaining now.
Let me try getting to the chalet again tomorrow without any problems.
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