Monday, November 10, 2008

The Lighthouse

Disclaimer: This piece of work is created by me, no part of it have been reproduced from other sources in the process.

After an hour and a half of working in microsoft paint, I finally completed this piece of art. What motivated me to do this? Boredom, and with some urge of mine to publish a little something more different from the rest of my posts.

Other than the solid sky background and lighthouse, coloured by a cheapskate method called fill, the rest are mainly completed with the spray brush tool.

The idea to create the clouds in such a manner with a slight 3d texture came to me when I realised that my sea looked more like blue balls of cotton than what it was supposed to be, when I sprayed a kaleidoscope of cool colours into it.

Connotation of clouds = cottom wool (Cool, 3 Cs in a sentence of 4 words. And cool starts with C too.)

Well, feel free to comment on it, and rate it too!

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