Monday, November 16, 2009

The Final Day

Saturday, the day when APEC spouses arrive at the children's garden.

Saturday, the day when we talk to them as they pass by our exhibits.

Saturday, the final day, of this programme of 'science communication', whatever that is.

Dorothy, joelle, trang and I waited at the sugarcane plot. We sat down on the chair, and soon Joelle and I started talking about exam marks.

VIPs passed by and we just recited what we were supposed to say. A vietnamese VIP came along and trang started blabbering to her in their native tongue.

Later some MGS girls that usually talk to us came up and talked. And while they talked among themselves and shouted to some of their friends behind, I had a feeling they were talking about me...(I don't think I shall go into the details)

Not that exciting and once-in-a-lifetime-experiencish, like some people would think.

Like the botanic gardens staff said, the spouses are just humans just like us!

So whats so exciting about that?

I do not believe in such a term - "Important people".

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