Monday, November 16, 2009

Exam Results

We have good things in life, and we always have bad things too. This would be an extremely factual post.

English: No effort seen in keeping to letter format. 17.5/30. Comprehension: 37/50

Math (functions and graphs): 54/60

Trigonometry: 33/57. I hate this. I have even forgotten the most basic of trigonometric concepts - the UNIT CIRCLE method to solve a certain question. Thanks to JCBG which I am no longer going to elaborate furthur.

Chinese: Letter: 14.5/20, Essay: 49/70 Paper 2: 75.5/110 Total:139/200 This, I am really happy about. A tremendous improvement from the last semester.

Biology: 38.5/50 Not too bad, neither too good. Nothing else to say about this.

Physics: 84/100 Wow marks based on my friends, but to me it isn't really that good. Not saying that it is bad either.

Chemistry: 72/80. I am shocked at my own ability. It is amazing what just 2 hours of studying can do. Imagine a full utilization of studying time.

Sports Nutrition: 24/35. Don't care, don't ask.

There. I would be happy with my exam results overall, but if trigonometry hadn't been so bad...

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