Thursday, June 10, 2010

First Achievement of the Holidays

I jogged to Changi Village and back to Pasir Ris on Wednesday, totalling 9.6 kilometres! I feel really proud of myself, considering that my previous record of distance covered in one session was only 6 kilometres.

I wasn't too bothered with taking the time, because I was taking this session of exercise more like a rehalibitative exercise for my cardiac pain, but I took around an hour and a quarter. However the next time I attempt more than 6 km, I should bring some water supply.

The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with me, and that it was probably just some cramps in the chest area. Surprisingly, I swam without problems, and by the time I came out of the pool, I did not feel any more pain while walking fast. It came back sometime after though.

So when I gave running a shot, I was thinking of going slowly. At the beginning, I was going and stopping, going and stopping, highly utilizing abdominal breathing whenever my chest started feeling pain. When I reached Changi Village however, crossed the road and turned back, I could run really normally, feeling really good.

Then again, although it is a lot better now, the pain comes back occasionally. So I suppose overcoming my fear of the pain and running the road to recovery will help a lot.

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