Sunday, August 22, 2010

A bowl of red bean soup

A couple of weeks ago my mother bought a few bowls of keychains that had soup inside it. I'm guessing it's glass or something, but more probably plastic. I hooked the bowl of red bean soup onto my pencil case, and it attracted some attention from a few school mates over a few days. A surprising number of them actually thought that the soup was real (or maybe they were just faking it)

And some of they commented that, costing one dollar, and having no practical usage, it was pretty not worth.

But during one chinese lesson, this bowl of red bean soup saved me. I have not been doing my O level practice papers, from 1-6, and the fact that it was plain impossible for me to finish doing them, even with cross referencing the answers at the back. I had to start somewhere hadn't I? But laziness got the better of me and as time slipped past, hope became slimmer and thus I was even more not bothered to start doing them.

As my chinese teacher walked past my table, she looked at my keychain. She then made a remark about me liking red bean soup. Then I casually agreed, and she made another comment that I am vegetarian, causing me to like red bean soup. And I asked how she knew, and she told me she taught me since year 2. I replied, "Really?" And she said yea. And she laughed, and walked away, forgetting to check my undone work.

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