Saturday, October 17, 2009

Don't let Monday go away!

A busy week.

Trigonometry journal was a 1 hour's work the day before submission. I realised how fast I could do things if I only put my heart at it.

But still, I have yet to complete a lot of chinese homework. As of last week, I had 2 sui bi/jian bao to do, two formal letters(one of which I got scolded for was overdue by a term, because the teacher was so forgetful to give me the assignment despite countless reminders) and now an essay.

So far I have managed to complete a three quarter page of foolscap jian bao, which was only because I chose a 3 sentence long article to write about, so I did not have to read so much.

And I just finished my one term overdue formal letter.

So now it is left with and essay, one formal letter and one jianbao/suibi.

And there is chemistry worksheet to be done too.

And I suddenly remembered that I have not touched my chinese tuition homework either as usual, which I will do tomorrow.

At least its school holiday on monday, so I need not worry about cramming everything into sunday.

I must remind myself to make full use of Monday, so as to not waste the little time I have left before the exam starts.

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