Today had been a rather exciting and eventful day.
It started off with the usual meeting at the pillars before morning assembly. Cmc and Ben were talking about bdae presents. Oops, I forgot that it was nar's bdae today. So sorry for that.
Then it was chinese. Without any surprise, chinese teacher came late for lesson by half an hour due to her blur mind. Wenbo was rushing his overdue work frantically.
Then it was Phyz Ed. We played softball for real for the first time. It was quite fun, but the sun was uncomforting. It could also get irritating at times, when I knew I had the ball, but it just jumps out of my grip.
Finally, it was 302 split into two teams versus each other. It was rather irritating that the batter before me was the third batter to be out, so I did not get to play batter at all after waiting. How boring.
A few of us, Daniel, mario, eugene and I etc. gathered in class. Eugene was complaining about how he is always getting bullied :'(. And for some reason too complicated to re-enact in words a comical scene ensued, where mario took tung's chem file and whacked eugene's right arm, which broke.
Don't worry it was the file not the arm.
Okay then eugene got rather pissed so he went, "OH you are so dead!" and picked up his water bottle uncapping it at the same time. towered over the retreating Mario and flipped the bottle over, sending a cascade of water down his hair, and onto wenbo's table, shirt, tie, long overdue chinese essay which he is in the midst of doing.
Then people came in and started rumours that eugene peed on the floor.
Eugene: "If it was my pee will it smell so nice?"
W: "Fred, does it smell nice?"
Fred : *shakes head*
Fortunately wenbo was not at the scene, but he was rather upset when he found out.
Mathematics flew past, and so did English and Chemistry Quiz. In English I got 19.5/30 for a formal letter and the teacher wanted to see me to tell me about me not having enough elaborations and too many sweeping statements. The truth is, I know that, but I cannot stand writing what I think are obvious and redundant statements meant to "elaborate" when all they are doing is assistance in my logic, should the reader have bad comprehension skills.
At four, it was the farewell assembly for year 6s. I found the skit really, really good. Later, there were singing performances and people clapped to the rhythm, which I did not. I find that clapping is simply disrupting the performance, and if there is meant to be clapping the performer would have said "Come on clap along" or something like that.
After the assembly people were struggling to get outschool through the rotating gate. That new add on to school is nothing but a hindrance. So just like what many other people did, I sat down at the amphitheatre watching the crowd diminish and exit the school first.
On the MRT going home, I was rather tired. After finally getting a seat when the train passed bedok, I leant against the glass panel and thought about the day. It was when I remembered how I forgot about a birthday today, and it was Joelle's birthday on wednesday, and that there was no school that day.
I had better get a present when I alight at Pasir Ris, but what should I get. Then as I got of the train, I met sourav.
Continued on next post: Getting a Present
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