Friday, January 2, 2009

Its a New Year!

Happy New Year!

Sorry for being one day late.

This year, I resolve to:

-Get a 4.5 CAP
-Run 2.4km in less than 11:30
-Be more patient with my siblings

As my friend had said, this is a new year, so let all the not-so-nice things of 2008 begone and let the new year of school start afresh. Still, I should remember the lessons and not repeat past mistakes I made.

Being posted to M09302 in this new year, I could say that I do not really mind the class at all. However, a few of my schoolmates does not think being in 302 is nothing to be happy.

I have to agree that many of my friends are in other classes, and perhaps I have to admit to some loneliness to a certain extent, but that is nothing worth complaining about. I can't change my class, but I can change my view to it. Happiness is only something you can give yourself. No one else can.

As I am chatting with another person over MSN about new classes, I made a statement, and with this I shall end off - "I can't say that I like my new class, but I am happy with it"

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