Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting around Curves

I was looking through my Math Assignment. It says you have to create a book cover with functions, not more than 12 curves. So I was thinking about ways to go around it.

1) Technically a linear function is not a curve so we can have as many lines as we want

2) A circle graph is composed of two functions, but it is actually one curve.

3) The more asymtopes you have, the more curves you get in a rational function.

And even if your teacher clarifies that a curve means a function, you can just combine two halves of two functions into one equation.

Using the factor of (abs(-x)-x)/2x). When x is posivite (abs(-x)-x)/2x =0, but when x is negative, (abs(-x)-x)/2x = 1

And thus you can make two halves of two functions into one equation through series of transformations.


So you get two curves you want, but only in one equation
Isn't it wonderful that there are so many ways to get around rules?

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