After having left the beach, we decided to go for the luge. The rates were:
$10 per ride
$18 for two rides
(get two rides and get one free)
Family package (minimum one child below 12)
$49 for 8 people
We asked if we could split the 3 rides among people if we paid $18, unfortunately we could not. So, it was suggested(not by me) that we went for the family package.
Obviously, we could not go for the family package. We were all at least 13. However, some people managed to find a way around this, making use of me in the process. They wanted to use me size to feign as an 11 year old. I tried reasoning with myself- $18 for three rides, thats $6 for one. and 8 rides for $49? That is 12.5 cents more than if we went for all three rides on our own (49/8=6.125), but this is not the main case. The real advantage is, although we would have to go for all three rides on our own, and we would have to pay more in total, we would pay less per ride, and the REASON for me supporting this idea is that we do not need to cheat any money off anyone. I proposed this to ben, and he understood. However, when we tried explaining this to Q, he looked impatient, and any argument would bring us nowhere, so we decided to push it no furthur.
Later, a caucasian gave us 13 unwanted tickets. It was a great blessing and I hope to pay the kindness forward in the near future. Thus, we got two rides each.
On the second skyride up, we saw a beautiful sunset.
Then we luged back down. Due to the darkness, at the finishing line, I saw someone in front a little too late. Thus, from near top speed, I braked, and skidded at least 30 degrees to a halt. Fortunately, I did not bang into the person in front; I was 10 cm away from that.
It was a great day at Sentosa, except for that incident. Recalling the cheating incident, I felt that I should have voiced my opinion no matter winning or losing the argument. Moral is also of greater value than money. Why did my classmates want to cheat just this little bit of money. Had they thought of what would happen if we were caught? I tried backing out of this family package plan, but i was attacked with words and they said that I must be included to get a family package (by crook). Where has the morals of such people have gone to? If they wanted to cheat and dispose of their moral, I cannot help it, but what I do not like is how I am forced to cheat together with them. I do not think cheating is something alright, no matter how little the loss is to the other party, because it is the abuse of trust they had in us. However, it still wasn't too bad for me-i was not the one who told the counter person I was 11. I will not cheat intentionally.
What do you think?
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