Monday, July 13, 2009

There is an exam tomorrow...

I woke up feeling really terrible today. Last night I had been at a piano teacher's house practicing for the exam and my scales are atrocious. I can't play so many of them.

And I went to sleep the moment I got home without packing my bag or anything, and I woke up the next day, which is today. It feels like I had a nightmare when I woke up, but I do not remember having one. Rather, maybe it is the worried feeling for my piano exam that makes me feel so terrible.

So I went to school dreadfully. We did volleyball for PE today and my hand and wrist hurt a lot from all that hitting. After that we had an hour and a half break thanks to temperature taking period so Daniel dillon and I and other people went to play badminton. It had been very long since I played badminton in school properly so it feels so fresh playing again.

During math lesson I was called to recite the vertical line test again and answer another easy question. (because I was talking)

And then there was english lesson which was as boring as usual, afterwhich I rushed home to practice piano.

My scales and pieces are a lot better now already after 2 and a half hours of practice.

Got to get up early tomorrow to go for piano exam.

Good news to me: Get to skip Physics lesson tomorrow.
Bad news: Missing chemistry which is 2 hours long and the most fun subject to study this semester.

Oh well, hopefully I will do well tomorrow.

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