Monday, December 22, 2008

In memory of a two year journey - Part 3

To be proactive is to not be reactive. Simple enough?

Not to react to how others make you feel, but to decide how you want to feel.

Not to react to what others make you do, but to decide on what you need to do.

Of course, to the second point, there are always things pulling you down for every decision, but that is another story. The choice itself is yours.

Do not say 'I'll try' but 'I'll do it'

Do not say 'I have to' but 'I choose to'

Most importantly, do not let others ruin your day, because you ruin your own day.

"People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be." -Abraham Lincoln

Its amazing how a little proactivity in my life has changed my attitude and the way I see things especially during this holiday. Not to be emotional and decisional marionette controlled by everyone else in this world takes a constant reminder to myself. It is a habit for me to train.

"We make our habits. Then our habits make us."

This is a relatively short composition but still...

To be continued...

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