Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Out goes the Old and In comes the New

Exam results are out.

Considering that I just jumped from normal chinese to higher this year, I couldn't have expected too good results. 116.5/200.

Math was quite expected, 44/60, not too good, but acceptable by my standards.

Biology was good thanks to a good teacher.

And I did not study for chemistry.

Physics scored 96.5/100.

That's all I feel like saying. I will work harder next semester.

Now that the old modules have ended, the new ones should come in.

There are a whole bunch of electives that I feel like taking! They all sound so exciting.

-Sports Nutrition
-Polymer Chemistry
-Some chinese culture thing (I got to take that to improve my chinese knowledge)
-And maybe I would be considering a programming course

One thing I am not taking is the Physics Solar Energy thing. Not interested at all.

Workload is bound to increase next semester; I hope that I can keep an even better balance between work and non-work. I also have to take things more seriously in hand and work harder.

Thats the end of a short academic review this semester. Bye!

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