Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Watching Talent Search

I went to watch the Talent Search Finals on Monday.

The first girl dancing in the individual category had rather slim chances of winning anything. She did some Chinese dance, with those disgusting poses I always see in Chinese dance. (NOTE: I am referring to the performance, not the person) I think the form and all is okay, but this is a talent search, and I do not see any talent in doing such normal stuff.

Second performance was by Fred the pro guitarist. Not really up to professional standard, and some plucked notes did not sound, but compared to anyone else I know playing the guitar, he surpass all of them. First time I saw someone strum and pluck at the same time, live.

Next was a piano performance composed by Bartok. However, to me it sounded awful and boring, even if there were no technical flaws. I prefer instrumental music with more prominent melodic lines, but stuff like Bartok just sounds like a well-tuned elephant rumbling across the keyboard.

Fourth was a singing performance. In tune, but I don't like the way her timbre changing at different pitch ranges. Very boring voice too.

Fifth, a girl called yawen sang and played on the guitar. I'm tired of saying this, almost all singing performances are out of tune. But for this one, it seems like its imperfection was contributing to its style, which i liked. It was as if it was meant to be sang out of tune, like half singing, half talking...

Sixth, lzw singing a chinese song. It would have been rather acceptable, despite a few out tune notes, until...

Well until he started playing the electric organ which was in a totally different key from the music and that was when it started sounding horrible.

Last performance was Nic ho. Piano. Rachaminoff. What do they make together? Plain noise. I guess I am not really appreciative of late romantic piano music. Like I said, it was difficult, but boring. What is the point of playing something that is hard to play, and not enjoyable to hear?

So I choose Ya wen and Fred.

Then came the group category.

Dice, the korean band had drums at all, unfortunately it did not sound too good.

The two a capella groups' vocals was nice, and had a lot of potential in winning, but they needed quite a bit more practice. The different voices don't come in together and don't phrase properly.
The 407 lady gaga medley was better the year 6 group though.

604's performance, sorry but no hope to them. The girl's (who looked like a boy) voice is good, but the rest of the class made the whole performance look really random.

And there is Anzhi's and Xuehe's 'more than words'. For a person with a china accent, I am actually surprised and impressed with xuehe's singing. Would have voted for that, but I didn't, because there is a dance group too, CBC. It was really entertaining. Real talent by the girly looking guy in the spotlight, unlike the individual chinese dance performance; he was dancing the best among all the other girls. The feminine actions were really entertaining and humourous.

Then again its only one vote per category. Considering that there were different genres of performances, and each genre had its best performance, I was struggling between Yawen's guitar playing and singing and Fred's guitar solo, and between 'more than words' and CBC.


1st: Fred (Woohoo!)
2nd: Nicholas Ho (Please don't choose rachaminoff anymore!)
3rd: Jesicca Loo


1st: CBC (Awesome)
2nd: Kenneth and I (Lady gaga medley a capella singing. Not bad actually)
3rd: Dice (Come on, they can do better...)

I was actually hoping 'more than words' got third place instead.

Finale was "Hallelujah" sung by Mai Trang. Come on, if she participated she would have owned them all. In terms of technical skills, hers was the only perfect one. A real pleasure to hear her sing. Not like others where I keep on thinking "Please hit this note right, please hit this note right. OH NO! *shivers*"

More than words, by westlife:

Hallelujah, by Leonard Cohen. One of the most beautiful songs I have heard.

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