Ahead of us was a miniature river around 4 cm deep. Not wanting to get our shoes wet, we balanced upon the small rocks and finally crossed it after 5 seconds of stepping stones. However, we were faced by another challenge just after a couple of metres more-the mosquito pond.

The sides of the pond were really muddy and thus walking across it was not easy. Slipping was of no problem. Fortunately, according to cmc, aedes mosquito do not breed in dirty water. Neither were there any mosquitoes flying around. We managed to go pass it within 10 seconds, the time partly due to making sure no mosquitoes were flying around, and testing the ground before moving too.

This did not pose a problem for us, but the 'volcano' looked quite interesting, and now here came the third and hardest obstacle.

A steep slope at least 2 metres high with not loose, but wet and clay-like soil. Climbing it was not too safe. After Mel took the lead and got up, only did cmc and I start placing a foot onto it. Altogether, we took around half a minute for all three of us to get up there. If you have been observant enough you should know what to expect of the next two pictures.

Dead End.
Later, I found out from the internet that a portion of the Sime Track have been affected by landslide and thus visitors going to rifle range road will be redirected, unfortunately, we were not. Thus, we took the other route back to Macritchie, stopping at the Jelutong tower for some directions at a confusing junction. The tower took a 3 minute climb. The scenery above was spectacular!

After a 5 minutes rest and scenery appreciation, we continued our journey. We took this route instead:

That's 11km. We went onto the Golf Link-a boarded walk. From a forest, it slowly blended out into open space.

A small pond along the side of golf link^

Fresh air at last!

After a walk for a kilometre or two, we entered a foresty trail once again, greeted by a rough uphill. Here, Mel was leading the way, and while cmc and I were chatting, one of our joking conversation lines went, "Look a rushing bum-Attack!". Apparently Mel got fooled for the second time by thinking bees were attacking us and he rushed up the trail at breakneck speed and we followed behind, not knowing why he started running at first. After 30 seconds of running, we feared that we had taken the wrong path, so we walked back down the trail with care while stepping down. In the end, it turned out it was the right trail. We wasted 5 minutes just like that, but better be safe than sorry.

We encountered a rocky downhill, much more perilous than the uphill. Downhill is actually more dangerous and slow compared to uphill, I just realised today, due to the uncontrollability of gravity acting in the same direction as where we are walking.
We completed the golf link and now it was whether to take the Lornie or Jering trail. We took the latter for a change of scenery and better air. Afterall, it was the waterside trail.

This is the start of the Jering Trail. Hi tortoise!

The last two kilometres of the trail was nearing. The waterside had quite a picturesque scenery.

Now, prepare to see...The Leaning Tree of Macritchie!

Off the Jering Trail and onto the Chemperai waterside trail. Our journey was nearing the end and yet we met with a final obstacle-monkeys.
Yes, though we did not meet them at the entrance of the macritchie trail like we did the last time, we met them here, and a dozen of them. The narrow path and non-friendly look of them deterred us from proceeding furthur. Mel took the lead as usual, but he was too fast.
Us: Melvin! Come back!
He: *walks back* Yes?
Me: Nothing much, just wait for us.
So, we waited for a jogger to jog past the monkeys in the other direction and simultaneously we got passed them. This was to ensure that two groups travelling in two directions would divert the monkey's attention and thus if they choose to attack they would have two choices and thus get delayed. Even if they attacked the group would be split into two unless we were really unlucky and the monkeys had a grudge against us. However, it turned out well and soon, we finished the trail of 11km(excluding the extra distance we walked to Bukit Timah)! Though the weather was a little gloomy at first, it turned out good and the trip was a good one.